When Exactly did Art Die?At least the latest travesty in the art world comes Down Under rather than the US, but that only shows how global the collapse of art from a meaningful form to an anti-Christian realm of bigots has become. The latest examples are entrants in the Blake Prize competition in Australia, which features a statue of the Virgin Mary in a burqa and a holographic image of Jesus that transforms into ... Osama bin Laden:
THE artist behind a controversial work depicting terrorism mastermind Osama bin Laden morphing into Jesus today asked people to look deeper into the work.Queensland artist Priscilla Bracks denied she had deliberately set out to be offensive.
"Absolutely not, no, no. I am not interested in being offensive. I am interested in having a discussion and asking questions about how we think about our world and what we accept and what we don't accept," she told ABC radio. ... Ms Bracks said one issue behind her work was the glorification of Osama bin Laden in some parts of the world.
"What I was thinking about is, well, what would happen to the stories about this man over thousands of years. Could that possibly lead to someone with a cult-like status," she said.
Right. So Osama is somehow the Jesus of our time. I get that, too, because Jesus went around killing people as a show of his power, and directed his followers to go out into the world and kill everyone who didn't believe in his teachings. Oh, wait ...
Here is the entire post.
I would like to look really deeply into a picture of Ms. Bracks morphing into a generic portrait of Mr. Bean. We could have a discussion about that, also.
She should have used Moses, not Jesus.
Recall Numbers 31
Or Muhammad...
He would work just as well - perhaps even better.
So V, has the Catholic Blogosphere started getting spun about about the upcoming movie, The Golden Compass, yet?
Yes, I've read about it on several of them already.
Nicole Kidman recently returned to the Catholic Church and said she wouldn't have done the movie if they hadn't taken the more anti-Catholic parts of the story out. We'll just have to see and judge for ourselves I suppose.
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